About Our Magnesium Cream

Why Magnesium Cream?
Did you know that over 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium? This mineral is vital to our body as every cell in the body demands adequate magnesium. There are many reasons we find ourselves deficient in magnesium including poor diet, too much caffeine and soil depletion in crops. Some of the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, constipation, anxiety, and poor sleep habits.

You can supplement magnesium through food, vitamins and through your skin. Although taking magnesium pills can be beneficial, many people find them to be hard on the digestive system and additionally, our body won’t absorb all the magnesium from the pills. The best way to increase magnesium levels in your body is through the skin by using products like our magnesium cream.

A quick Google search will show you tons of evidence-based benefits to magnesium, but some of our favorites include the following: increases energy, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep quality, eases muscle cramps, lowers blood pressure, alleviates aches and pains, and relieves restless leg syndrome.

What Makes Our Product Special?
In addition to gaining all the benefits of magnesium, we have two other major ingredients that are great for your skin and your overall health.

Kokum butter is from the fruit of the Kokum tree in India. People from India have used Kokum butter as a healing product for hundreds of years. It’s rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids so it’s very soft and moisturizing for the skin. Kokum butter is not as greasy as other butters and easily absorbs into the skin without clogging pores.

Rosehip Oil is a light oil that contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A. Therefore, this amazing product can improve your skin’s appearance, boost your immunity and may even relieve joint and arthritis pain.
When all these ingredients are combined, we have one amazing product you are sure to love!

This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat.
As with all skincare products, we recommend testing a small amount of cream on your body to ensure no irritation occurs before applying the cream to other areas.
Since no preservatives are used in this cream, we recommend using within 6 months after purchasing.

More About Magnesium
There is so much great research proving how beneficial magnesium is to our everyday life. We think you wouldn’t believe us if we told you, so we’ve linked a few articles explaining some amazing evidence-based benefits. Check them out here!


